Tag: wrap

Dry Ice Campfire

It was the end of the shoot. A partial box of dry ice remained. Not enough to sell to another set. A shame to throw it out. We gathered out back of the studio on a little patch of green. On overturned milk crates, director’s chairs, apple boxes, a few lawn chairs. The bucket of water between us… and the dry ice bubbling out of it and tumbling and rolling onto and across the ground around us. Good company. Easy conversation. The team together. A magical moment after wrap.

Cheers & a good wrap to you,

3 of the Best Treasures about the Wardrobe & Set Sale

Oh,the treasures you can find at the wardrobe and set sale! Here are 3 of my favourites:

1. Unique wardrobe choices
Discover unique and incredible clothes that somehow only the wardrobe department is adept enough to find when walking through a store… althought you’ll have to sift past the intentionally torn and (fake) blood stained clothing to find them!

2. Truly evergreen greenery
Find fake plants for the house… because you love plants but – because of your work schedule – never water them as you should.

3. Cinematic history
Own a piece of clothing, prop or set dressing with a cinematic history… the item that was part of the film you helped make come to life is now a part of your life ever after.

What treasures do you find?

Cheers & happy hunting to you,

How is a Wrap Party Like a Wedding?

Film Production Management 101” has a checklist for a wrap party so you can remember all the elements necessary to plan an excellent, memorable wrap party. I’ve always thought planning a wrap party was much like planning a wedding reception, but done much faster. Let’s have a look:

Invitation list & invitations Invitation list & invitations
Party Room Church & Reception Venue
Decor (of Room) Decor (of Room, Church & Bridal Party)
Music Music
Other Entertainment (Wrap Reel, etc.) Wedding Photographer
Catering and Bar Catering and Bar
License (for Bar) Marriage License
Notifications (Police, Fire, Health…) Newspaper Notifications (if desired)


Soooo… it looks as though if you’re thinking of getting married, your experience planning wrap parties – or at least my Wrap Party Checklist – will do you well! I know I’ll be using it. 😉

To download the forms that accompany “Film Production Management 101” – including the Wrap Party Checklist – swing by the MWP Books site at: http://www.mwp.com/virtual-film-school/resources

Cheers & happy wedding… uh, wrap party… planning to you,

“Film Production Management 101:

Management & Coordination in a Digital Age”

UPCOMING EVENTS (more details at www.debpatz.com):
* Getting Your Ducks In A Row – Free Book Virtual Event – in August at FB/DebPatzBooks
* Booksigning/Canadian Launch at Indigo Marine Drive, N.Vancouver – Sat.Sep.11
* WIFV Networking Breakfast with Deb Patz in Vancouver – Tue.Sep.21

* Booksigning/USA Launch at the Writers Store in Burbank – Sat.Oct.23

All That Olympic Excitement… Over (Why, It’s Just List Wrapping a Production!)

During the Winter Olympics the streets of Vancouver were packed with people. It wasn’t strange to see 5 and 6 hour line ups to pavilions and activities. Shoulder-to-shoulder people sandwiched onto public transportation. A constant stream of folk milled around downtown, walking up and down the streets.

Now that the Olympics are over, the streets are more back to normal, but somehow “normal” feels like ghost-town empty. An echo of all that excitement is all that remains. What a familiar echo. I know it. It’s the same echo I feel the day after working on a film shoot. Wrap. All those work hours, all that activity, all that interaction… over in a day.

It’s production wrap. I sit on the back porch, completed exhausted. Do I have the energy to make myself even a cup of tea? Will I ever have the energy to “do it all again”? How very alone I feel. Very uniquely alone.

Time to rejuvenate. Recharge those personal batteries. No more thinking about the needs of “today”, I need to think about “tomorrow”. But first perhaps take a trip. Time to take some breathing room time to remember the reason why I got into this business in the first place. I trust my internal flame will re-light. And it does. And yes… I’m be ready, actually eager, to do it all again! Whattabiz!

Best wishes & a great shoot & wrap to you!