“Film Production Management 101” has a checklist for a wrap party so you can remember all the elements necessary to plan an excellent, memorable wrap party. I’ve always thought planning a wrap party was much like planning a wedding reception, but done much faster. Let’s have a look:
Invitation list & invitations |
Invitation list & invitations |
Party Room |
Church & Reception Venue |
Decor (of Room) |
Decor (of Room, Church & Bridal Party) |
Music |
Music |
Other Entertainment (Wrap Reel, etc.) |
Wedding Photographer |
Catering and Bar |
Catering and Bar |
License (for Bar) |
Marriage License |
Notifications (Police, Fire, Health…) |
Newspaper Notifications (if desired) |
Soooo… it looks as though if you’re thinking of getting married, your experience planning wrap parties – or at least my Wrap Party Checklist – will do you well! I know I’ll be using it. 😉
To download the forms that accompany “Film Production Management 101” – including the Wrap Party Checklist – swing by the MWP Books site at: http://www.mwp.com/virtual-film-school/resources
Cheers & happy wedding… uh, wrap party… planning to you,
“Film Production Management 101:
Management & Coordination in a Digital Age”
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* Booksigning/Canadian Launch at Indigo Marine Drive, N.Vancouver – Sat.Sep.11
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