Oh to browse through bookstores… and industry books especially!
Well, the new MWP Books catalogue 2012 is out. You can peruse the PDF catalogue online to find out what’s new at: http://www.mwp.com/catalogs/MWP.com_Catalog_2012.pdf (2.2 MB). My book (being published last year) is now on page 37. Browse the pages and then let me know… what books peak your interest? What topics do you find lacking?
As a MWP author myself, it’s an honour to be part of such a professional team of industry workers & writers. I’ve read many MWP books over the years and have never been disappointed by a single book. So if your thinking of Christmas, thinking of your career, or thinking of just browsing… enjoy!
Plus you can join the many folk at MWP Books FB page (http://www.facebook.com/mwpfilmbooks) where the is much industry discussion, announcements, and I’ve seen free book giveaways now and then.
Might “see” you there!
Cheers & happy industry browsing to you,